The All Nations Hotel opened in 1891, its name an acknowledgement of the ethnic diversity of Broken Hill and the hotel’s patrons. All Nations became a meeting place for union leaders and miners during the 1892 miner’s strike.
Thomas O’Mara was the hotel’s first licensee. A well-known figure in the community, he served as a Justice of the Peace, a member of the Municipal Council and was also involved in the establishment of Broken Hill Trades and Labor Council, which had a key role in the 1892 strike.
During the 1920s the hotel became known for the ‘two-up school’ outside its doors. Two-up, a popular gambling game at the time, involves tossing two coins in the air and laying bets on heads or tails.
The hotel originally had a large function hall, which was demolished in 1958. At some point a tennis court was added at the rear.
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