This site can be viewed by looking across from Argent Street and from trail number 68. The site was pegged as Block 17 in 1883 at the northern end of the Lode and sold to the Broken Hill North Silver Mining Company in 1885.
During its early years, the mine had some difficulties in treating sulphide ore, and the first dividend was not paid until 1899. The North Mine later became one of the most significant mines, with its ore production at its peak in the 1920s.
The headframe in view is that of the No. 2 shaft, which became operational in 1928. The headframe is constructed of riveted steel and was used for hauling two cages and two skips.
The adjacent concentration mill became operational in 1939. The process of ‘concentration’ means the increase of the percentage of the valuable mineral in the concentrate.
No. 3 shaft, the main shaft in view, was commenced in 1948 and was commissioned in 1962. The depth of No. 3 shaft is 1,600 metres.
The North Mine was the last of the original Broken Hill mines to amalgamate. It joined Zinc Corporation and NBHC to become Pasminco Ltd in 1988. It is now owned by Perilya.
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