North Primary School is one of the oldest schools in Broken Hill. The first school building was erected in 1889 and opened in 1890, but it was little more than a corrugated iron shed with dirt floors. Originally known as the Broken Hill North Public School, the shed school was soon to be replaced with a more substantial school building to serve the rapidly growing population in the town.
Farquhar Wallace was appointed Headmaster in 1891. During his tenure at the school Wallace married Marjorie Arnold the Headmistress of the Broken Hill Infants School. Many older students joined the newly formed first Cadet Group in Broken Hill.
Broken Hill North School was declared a Superior Public School in 1895.
The current Federation-style building was opened by the Premier of NSW in 1902 with an initial intake of around 120 students and it continued to grow. A school building fronting McCulloch Street was added in 1910.
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