41. Former Caledonian Hotel - 1898

A butcher’s shop from 1890 owned by Alexander Marshall, the Caledonian became a pub and hotel in 1898. It took Marshal years to obtain a license. The building was so close to the church and police barracks that the refusal of the license was, apparently, ‘to protect the virtue of the church-goers and ensure the sobriety of the police force’. The original butcher’s hooks are still hanging in the cellar.
The Caledonian was typical Broken Hill corner pub. Its verandah was repaired as part of the Broken Hill City Council’s verandah program in 1996. It is now a B&B.
The Lodge opposite was built as a residence in 1904 for Dr MacGillivray and his family. Doctor MacGillivray was alsoa founding member of the Barrier Filed Naturalists. The residence was used as a by various Doctors, including Doctor Fanciska Schlink up until 1965 when it was re-furbished to establish the Lodge Motel.
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