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Silver Trail
1. Kintore Reserve
2. Duke of Cornwall Hotel -1888
3. Daydream Hotel - 1888
4. Barrier Boarding House -1888
5. Shops - c1890
6. Willyama Hotel -1905
7. Old Railway Station - 1919
8. BHP Chimney - 1885
9. BHP Slag Heap - 1886
10. BHP Mill Foundations - 1897
11. Delprat Shaft - 1900
12. Mullockers Memory
13. Line of Lode Miners’ Memorial and Visitors Centre
14. Former Crown Hotel - c 1890
15. Former Wilcannia Club Hotel - 1888
16. Railway Station - 1957
17. Bond Store - 1890
18. Former Crystal Hotel
19. Former Miners Arms Hotel -c 1890
20. Duke of Cornwall Park
21. Central School - 1907
22. Gaol - 1891
23. High School - 1919
24. Former Police Barracks - 1900
25. Central School Building - 1900
26. Pig and Whistle Hotel - 1890
27. Synagogue - 1910
28. Joe Keenan Lookout
29. Sulphide Street Cottages - c1900
30. Hospital - 1941
31. Thomas Street Uniting Church - 1911
32. Regeneration Reserve
33. White Rocks Reserve
34. Cummins Street Residences - c1890
35. Thomas Street Residences - c1890
36. Tydvil Hotel - 1891
37. Mulga Hill Hotel - 1890
38. Oxide Street Row Cottages - c1890
39. St Andrews Uniting Church - 1905
40. St Peters Anglican Church - 1928
41. Former Caledonian Hotel - 1898
42. Catholic Bishop’s Residence - 1887
43. Sacred Heart Cathedral and adjacent Convent 1905 and 1900
44. Sacred Heart College - 1927
45. The Towers - c1890
46. Wesley Church - 1888
47. Sturt Park
48. Trades Hall - 1898/1904
49. YMCA - c1890
50. Miners Lamp Motel - 1888
51. Imperial Hotel - 1888
52. Scout Hall - 1900
53. Old Royal Hotel - 1904
54. Iodide Street Row Cottages - c1890
55. Wades Shop - c1890
56. Baptist Church - 1917
57. Shop and Residence - c1890
58. Williams Street Residences - c1890
59. Mosque - 1891
60. North Primary School - 1902
61. School of the Air - 1956
63. South Australian Brewery - 1893
64. North Mine
65. Junction Hotel - 1892
66. Junction Circle - 1950
67. Thompson Shaft - 1910
68. Junction Mine and Lookout
69. British Mine Housing - c1910
70. MMM Dumps
71. All Nations Hotel - 1891
72. Assay Office c1890
73. Central Power Station - 1930
74. Former Central Mine Manger’s Residence (now St Ann’s Nursing Home)
75. Alma Hotel -1891
76. South Broken Hill Hotel - 1889
77. Former South Police Station - 1889
78. South Post Office - 1898
79. South Fire Station - c1900
80. Patton Park
81. Bells Milk Bar – 1956
82. Alma Mechanic’ Institute – 1898
83. Former Salvation Army Hall 1900
84. Gladstone Hotel - 1888
85. South Primary School 1910
86. St James Anglican Church 1903
87. South Baptist Church - 1911
88. South Mine Offices - 1910
89. Zinc Oval and Zinc Mine (not accessible to the public)
90. Former All Saints Catholic Church - 1890
91. Union Club Hotel - c1890
92. Zinc Lakes - 1948
93. NBHC Mine Housing - c1950
94. NBHC Mine Haulage and Service Shafts –1946 (not open to the public
95. Southern Cross Shaft - 1966
96. South Mine Headframes 1919/1932
97. Ryan Street Cottages - 1890
98. A.J. Keast Park
99. Hillside Hotel - 1891
100. Burke Ward Hall - 1905
101. Railwaytown Post Office - 1925
102. Nicholls Street Methodist Church - c1890
103. Cornish Street Lookout
104. Broken Hill Cemetery - 1889
105. Former Freiberg Hotel - 1899
106. Burke Ward School - 1897
107. Ambush Site
108. St Marys Catholic Church - 1922
109. Railwaytown Baptist Church - 1913
110. The Salvation Army Hall 1960
111. The Former Railway Town Post Office - 1900
112. The Gasworks Hotel - 1891
113. St Phillips Anglican Church - 1903
114. The South Australian Hotel
115. Railway Residences 1890
116. Tramway Residence - 1902
117. Rising Sun Hotel - 1888
118. Block 10 Lookout
119. Queen Elizabeth Park
Patton Street Park
Queen Elizabeth Park
Sturt Park
National Heritage Listing
National Parks
Far West NSW
Corner Country
Cameron Corner
Sturt's Steps
White Cliffs
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Silver Trail
111. The Former Railway Town Post Office - 1900
In This Section
Heroes, Larrikins & Visionaries Trail
Silver Trail
1. Kintore Reserve
2. Duke of Cornwall Hotel -1888
3. Daydream Hotel - 1888
4. Barrier Boarding House -1888
5. Shops - c1890
6. Willyama Hotel -1905
7. Old Railway Station - 1919
8. BHP Chimney - 1885
9. BHP Slag Heap - 1886
10. BHP Mill Foundations - 1897
11. Delprat Shaft - 1900
12. Mullockers Memory
13. Line of Lode Miners’ Memorial and Visitors Centre
14. Former Crown Hotel - c 1890
15. Former Wilcannia Club Hotel - 1888
16. Railway Station - 1957
17. Bond Store - 1890
18. Former Crystal Hotel
19. Former Miners Arms Hotel -c 1890
20. Duke of Cornwall Park
21. Central School - 1907
22. Gaol - 1891
23. High School - 1919
24. Former Police Barracks - 1900
25. Central School Building - 1900
26. Pig and Whistle Hotel - 1890
27. Synagogue - 1910
28. Joe Keenan Lookout
29. Sulphide Street Cottages - c1900
30. Hospital - 1941
31. Thomas Street Uniting Church - 1911
32. Regeneration Reserve
33. White Rocks Reserve
34. Cummins Street Residences - c1890
35. Thomas Street Residences - c1890
36. Tydvil Hotel - 1891
37. Mulga Hill Hotel - 1890
38. Oxide Street Row Cottages - c1890
39. St Andrews Uniting Church - 1905
40. St Peters Anglican Church - 1928
41. Former Caledonian Hotel - 1898
42. Catholic Bishop’s Residence - 1887
43. Sacred Heart Cathedral and adjacent Convent 1905 and 1900
44. Sacred Heart College - 1927
45. The Towers - c1890
46. Wesley Church - 1888
47. Sturt Park
48. Trades Hall - 1898/1904
49. YMCA - c1890
50. Miners Lamp Motel - 1888
51. Imperial Hotel - 1888
52. Scout Hall - 1900
53. Old Royal Hotel - 1904
54. Iodide Street Row Cottages - c1890
55. Wades Shop - c1890
56. Baptist Church - 1917
57. Shop and Residence - c1890
58. Williams Street Residences - c1890
59. Mosque - 1891
60. North Primary School - 1902
61. School of the Air - 1956
63. South Australian Brewery - 1893
64. North Mine
65. Junction Hotel - 1892
66. Junction Circle - 1950
67. Thompson Shaft - 1910
68. Junction Mine and Lookout
69. British Mine Housing - c1910
70. MMM Dumps
71. All Nations Hotel - 1891
72. Assay Office c1890
73. Central Power Station - 1930
74. Former Central Mine Manger’s Residence (now St Ann’s Nursing Home)
75. Alma Hotel -1891
76. South Broken Hill Hotel - 1889
77. Former South Police Station - 1889
78. South Post Office - 1898
79. South Fire Station - c1900
80. Patton Park
81. Bells Milk Bar – 1956
82. Alma Mechanic’ Institute – 1898
83. Former Salvation Army Hall 1900
84. Gladstone Hotel - 1888
85. South Primary School 1910
86. St James Anglican Church 1903
87. South Baptist Church - 1911
88. South Mine Offices - 1910
89. Zinc Oval and Zinc Mine (not accessible to the public)
90. Former All Saints Catholic Church - 1890
91. Union Club Hotel - c1890
92. Zinc Lakes - 1948
93. NBHC Mine Housing - c1950
94. NBHC Mine Haulage and Service Shafts –1946 (not open to the public
95. Southern Cross Shaft - 1966
96. South Mine Headframes 1919/1932
97. Ryan Street Cottages - 1890
98. A.J. Keast Park
99. Hillside Hotel - 1891
100. Burke Ward Hall - 1905
101. Railwaytown Post Office - 1925
102. Nicholls Street Methodist Church - c1890
103. Cornish Street Lookout
104. Broken Hill Cemetery - 1889
105. Former Freiberg Hotel - 1899
106. Burke Ward School - 1897
107. Ambush Site
108. St Marys Catholic Church - 1922
109. Railwaytown Baptist Church - 1913
110. The Salvation Army Hall 1960
111. The Former Railway Town Post Office - 1900
112. The Gasworks Hotel - 1891
113. St Phillips Anglican Church - 1903
114. The South Australian Hotel
115. Railway Residences 1890
116. Tramway Residence - 1902
117. Rising Sun Hotel - 1888
118. Block 10 Lookout
119. Queen Elizabeth Park
National Heritage Listing
National Parks
111. The Former Railway Town Post Office - 1900
The Railway Town Post Office closed on this site in 1925 and moved to its new building, adjacent the Burke Ward hall, in 1925. (See Trail No.101)
Audio transcript available.
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